IRS Releases New Form W-4 and Updates Withholding Calculator | Texas Benefit Brokers

Our February 1, 2018 blog post reported on the late February release of the Form W-4 and guidance on the income withholding rules that changed under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. On February 28, 2018, the federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) released the new 2018 Form W-4 and an updated withholding calculator. Why a … Continued

2018 W-4 Forms Won’t Be Released Until Late February | Fort Worth Benefit Advisors

If you’ve been getting questions from your employees about completing new 2018 W-4 forms to take advantage of the tax reform rules, we’ve finally received some answers. You can continue to rely on the current W-4 forms for now until the new 2018 form is released in late February. The January 29th Internal Revenue Service … Continued