Ask the Experts: Federal Survey of Employer Health Plans | Texas Benefits Consultants

Question: Our company received a survey from the U.S. Census Bureau asking about the health coverage we offer to employees, how much it costs, etc. Is this an official survey? Do we have to provide the information? Answer: It appears your company has been randomly selected for the federal government’s Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS). … Continued

Look Backward to Plan Forward | Fort Worth Benefits Agency

We have entered Open Enrollment season and that means you and everyone in your office are probably reading through enrollment guides and trying to decipher it all. As you begin your research into which plan to choose or even how much to contribute to your Health Savings Account (HSA), consider evaluating how you used your … Continued

Federal Employment Law Update – August 2017 | Fort Worth Benefit Advisors

As of August 1, 2017, the Occupational and Safety Health Administration’s (OSHA) new electronic portal, the Injury Tracking Application (ITA), is available for employers to file web-based reports of workplace injuries or illnesses. Under OSHA’s electronic recordkeeping rule, covered employers with at least 250 employees must submit the following forms electronically: Log of Work-Related Injuries … Continued