CMS Disclosure Requirement for Employer Health Plans | Fort Worth Benefit Advisors

Do you offer health coverage to your employees? Does your group health plan cover outpatient prescription drugs? If so, federal law requires you to complete an online disclosure form every year with information about your plan’s drug coverage. You have 60 days from the start of your health plan year to complete the form. For … Continued

Rules for FSA & HSA Accounts | Fort Worth Benefit Advisors

According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), no permission or authorization to set up either an FSA or HSA account is required. Both accounts are intended to help provide you with financial assistance regarding medical care costs. An FSA (flexible spending account) is set up by your employer. An HSA (health savings account) is held … Continued

The Risk of Being Uninsured (and the Hidden Bargain in Addressing It Now) | Fort Worth Benefit Advisors

With all the expenses of everyday living, it’s tempting to think of insurance as just another cost. What’s harder to see is the potential cost of not buying insurance—or what’s known as “self-insuring”—and the hidden bargain of coverage. The Important vs. the Urgent We’ve all experienced it: the tendency to stay focused on putting out … Continued

Employer Medicare Part D Notices Are Due Before October 15 | Fort Worth Benefit Advisors

Are you an employer that offers or provides group health coverage to your workers? Does your health plan cover outpatient prescription drugs—either as a medical claim or through a card system? If so, be sure to distribute your plan’s Medicare Part D notice before October 15. Purpose Medicare began offering “Part D” plans—optional prescription drug … Continued

Separating Fact From Fiction When It Comes to Long-Term Care Insurance | Fort Worth Benefit Advisors

Few people are prepared to handle the financial burden of long-term health care. In fact, many people have a false sense of security when it comes to long-term care. Let’s separate fact from fiction: “Medicare and my Medicare supplement policy will cover it.” FACTS: Medicare and “Medigap” insurance was never intended to pay for ongoing, … Continued